Keyboard shortcuts

Android keyboard shortcuts for hardware keyboards are rather hard to find on Google, because they are merged under bazillion articles about software keyboard shortcuts.

  • WIN: Notification bar expanded

  • WIN (long press): Assistant selection

  • WIN + q: Notification bar expanded

  • WIN + w: Dex mode

  • WIN + e: Email app

  • WIN + r: Recent files (generic file browser)

  • WIN + t:

  • WIN + y: Smart view (guess it would be YouTube normally, but I have it disabled)

  • WIN + u: Accessibility menu

  • WIN + i: Bixby key press

  • WIN + o:

  • WIN + p: Music player

  • WIN + a:

  • WIN + s: Message app

  • WIN + d: Home UI

  • WIN + f: Finder app

  • WIN + g:

  • WIN + h: Voice input (this app does not work in my case)

  • WIN + j: Samsung tips (pretty useless)

  • WIN + k: Calendar app

  • WIN + l: Lock screen

  • WIN + z: Settings

  • WIN + x: Close current app

  • WIN + c: Contacts app

  • WIN + v: Show volume bar

  • WIN + b: Browser app

  • WIN + n: Notification bar

  • WIN + m: Maps app