Hope Harder

Our lord and savior Doge.


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This is a home page of random devops engineer which serves as a knowledgebase and a blog.

My interest are:

  • linux
  • kubernetes
  • clouds
  • building useful things from thrown away consumer electronic
  • avoiding subscription based services

This page is created completely on 2hand mobile phone - Samsung S10. I do not own personal PC/Notebook for 10+ years. But of course for work related stuff i use notebooks provided by employer :-). I have decided to use Samsung S10 because:

  • Samsung provides desktop environment in the form of Dex
  • As linux engineer I am comfortable with linux terminal + termux + Vim.
  • S10 cost 200 euros 2hand and has Dex with 3.5 Jack
  • I already had peripherals for home office at home (monitor, bt keyboard, bt mouse)

Preferred software for daily drive on Android:

  • termux as linux terminal
  • vim as my main IDE/text editor
  • gcloud shell for random x86 shenanigans and when desktop apps are needed